November is National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month We have all heard of diabetes. Perhaps you even know some people or have friends who are diabetic. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a condition where not enough insulin is being produced by the pancreas or the body is not able to use the insulin correctly. Can pets be diabetic? [...]

What You Should Know About Heartworm

What You Should Know About Heartworm Heartworms are transmitted to dogs by mosquitos. Without the administration of a heartworm preventative, your pet could get heartworm disease – a potentially deadly illness of the heart and lungs. The American Heartworm Society estimates that at any one time, over 1 million dogs are infected with adult [...]

A Dogs Tail Will Tell You A Lot

A Dogs Tail Will Tell You A Lot A dog’s tail and how it carries it is an important indicator of many things such as its current social standing as well as its mental state. There can be some variations, of course, depending upon how the dog naturally carries its tail. For example, a West [...]

Brain Health and Behavioral Changes in Dogs

Brain Health and Behavioral Changes in Dogs What is brain aging? Just like the rest of the body, the brain is affected by the aging process. Damage to the brain’s cells can lead to changes in your dog’s behavior. Half of all dogs 8 years and older will show some signs of brain aging. Thanks [...]

Canine Distemper

Canine Distemper Distemper is found in places where exposed or infected dogs and puppies are in close quarters with other dogs or puppies. This disease affects domestic dogs and wild ones (fox, coyote). Some call this “distemperment” and believe this causes a change in a pet’s behavior. In reality, this is a disease that starts [...]

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus What is diabetes? Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that develops when your pet cannot use sugar (glucose) effectively and control the sugar level in the blood. Insulin, which is made in the pancreas, is essential for regulating the use and storage of blood glucose, insufficient insulin production is potentially life threatening. There are [...]

Dietary Sensitivity

Dietary Sensitivity What is dietary sensitivity? Dietary sensitivity is a general term for any adverse reaction to food. There are two main types of dietary sensitivity. Food allergies An immune reaction to a particular ingredient which is usually protein. Allergies may last a lifetime so the ingredient must be permanently removed from your pet’s food. [...]

Digestive Health for Your Pet

Digestive Health for Your Pet What are Digestive Disorders? Digestive disorders are quite common and most clear up within a few days. But some pets need long-term management because they have regular or permanent digestive problems. Any disorder that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its passage through the digestive tract, can [...]

Feline Distemper (Panleukopenia)

Feline Distemper (Panleukopenia) Feline distemper virus is caused by a feline parvovirus. It is a very stable virus that can survive freezing. The virus is found virtually everywhere so it is almost certain that each cat will come into contact with the it. The virus enters the body through the nose or mouth. It [...]

Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline Leukemia Virus Feline Leukemia is a serious feline disease that is found everywhere in the world. Cats can carry the virus for a long time before showing any symptoms. It is spread from cat to cat through licking (saliva), other body fluids (tears, urine, nasal discharge), bite wounds, stool and can be passed from [...]

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