Pet Joint Health

Pet Joint Health What is arthritis? Arthritis is a general term for abnormal changes in a joint. These changes occur when cartilage is worn away faster that it can be replaced. Cartilage acts as a cushion to protect the bones. When it wears away, joints become swollen and painful. Although arthritis is not curable, the [...]

Pet Kidney Conditions

Pet Kidney Conditions What is kidney disease? Kidneys are very important because they remove waste substances from the blood, and maintain the normal balance of fluid and minerals within the body. Any condition which damages the kidneys is referred to as kidney disease. In some cases, pets may show early warning signs of disease. However, [...]

Pet Liver Conditions

Pet Liver Conditions What is liver disease? The liver is an important organ with many functions, including the digestion and conversion of nutrients, the removal of toxic substances from the blood and the storage of vitamins and minerals. Liver disease results in inflammation, known as hepatitis. If untreated, this can lead to to loss of [...]

Skin Conditions in Pets

Skin Conditions in Pets How can the right foods help? Some skin conditions can be cleared up quickly while others need lifelong management. The good news is, most pets with skin conditions can be helped if you feed the right food, even if the cause of the condition is not dietary. Some important nutrients that [...]

Top Ten Pet Poisons

Top Ten Pet Poisons With various dangers lurking in corners and cabinets, the home can be a minefield of poisons for our pets. In 2008, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, IL, handled more than 140,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances, many of which included everyday household products. Don’t leave [...]

Urinary Health for Cats

Urinary Health for Cats What are urinary problems? Urinary problems in cats may have many causes. One cause is inflammation of the lower urinary tract. If crystals and/or stones form in the urinary tract, they can obstruct the passing of urine, especially in male cats. In severe cases, this can lead to kidney damage or [...]

Urinary Health for Dogs

Urinary Health for Dogs What are urinary bladder stones? Urinary bladder stones (also known as uroliths) are collections of mineral crystals that combine together to form a stone in the urinary bladder Less often, stones may form in the kidneys. The PH of your dogs urine affects the development of the crystals that lead [...]

Pet Weight Conditions

Pet Weight Conditions How can I help my pet lose weight? Weight problems are common in cats and dogs, and can be successfully managed through changes in food or a nutrition program. Combining a change in nutrition with increased exercise is the most effective way of achieving a healthy weight. Excercise tips for cats [...]

Your Pets Oral Health

Your Pets Oral Health What are oral health conditions? It can be difficult to keep your pet’s teeth clean, so oral health problems are very common. In fact, research shows that at around the age of 2 70% of cats and 80% of dogs have some sign of dental disease. Problems usually start [...]

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